We continue to celebrate our fiftieth anniversary, this time by giving back to the community. Guests of our recently-held commemorative ribbon cutting were asked to bring a non-perishable food item to the event. This bounty was shared with the Quakertown Food Pantry and Pennridge FISH, just in time for the holidays.
“Our firm reputation is based on our mission statement: ‘Building trust and providing solutions in the community,’” said firm partner Richard Howard, Jr. “Helping others, including through our support of Pennridge FISH and the Quakertown Food Pantry, helps demonstrate commitment to our mission.”
Weber Kracht and Chellew partner Michael Kracht, who serves on the board of Pennridge FISH, adds, “In Bucks County, a little over 55,000 people are ‘food insecure.’ That’s nearly ten percent of the county’s population. Thanks to the help of our friends and fellow business owners, these donations help to alleviate the need.”
To learn how you can also help these local non-profits, visit quakertownfoodpantry.org and pennridgefish.org.